Dental Sedation by Specialist Anaesthetists… the Difference in Safety

Goldfields Family Dental understands that dental visits can be overwhelming and can cause high levels of anxiety for some patients. Often this level of anxiety can discourage patients from visiting the dentist and thereby preventing them from obtaining treatment often required to improve their oral health.

IV Sleep dentistry at Goldfields Family Dental is run by specialist anaesthetists who administer the anaesthetic and provide specialist medical supervision. Our anaesthetists have extensive experience in various anaesthetic techniques and IV Sedation, assisting in a broad range of adult and paediatric dentistry treatments. Their additional experience in Intensive Care and airway management underlines the level of expertise and safety that can be expected at the clinic.

For more information on IV Sedation treatment offered at our clinic, book an appointment today.

General anaesthetic procedures are carried out at Kalgoorlie Regional Hospital using the latest in specialised dental equipment and materials. Patients are required to visit Goldfields Family Dental for a consultation (including a dental examination and diagnostic x-rays). Arrangements are then made with the Kalgoorlie Regional Hospital where their dental treatment will be provided by an accredited dentist from Goldfields Family Dental. Most dental patients are admitted as day only patients and ordinarily discharged within 2 hours of their procedure. Contact GFD to book your consultation today.

Penthrox or “the green whistle”, is an inhaling device that provides immediate relief from pain and anxiety during treatment. It helps relax muscles like the tongue so is great for use in patients who are gaggers.

Oral sedation is ideal for people who want moderate sedation. We administer the oral sedatives one hour before the dental procedure in pill form. For oral sedation an escort to and from the procedure is required.

Can I Have Sedation at The Dentist?

The answer is yes, you can have various forms of sedation at the dentist. However, not all dental practices are able to offer sleep dentistry which is the deepest form of conscious sedation available. This type of sedation is administered through an I/V line that goes directly into your bloodstream, and most people who receive this type of treatment will fall asleep during the procedure and have little or no memory of the treatment they have undergone when they wake up. Read More

At Goldfields Family Dental, we have specialist anaesthetists who administer this sedation and will monitor your heart rate, blood pressure and oxygen levels throughout your procedure. Our anaesthetists are highly trained and experienced and can adjust your dosage at any point and use reversal medications if necessary. They are trained in a broad range of adult and paediatric dental treatments and sedation dentistry techniques.

The idea of going to the dentist can cause extreme stress and anxiety in some people and can often discourage people from visiting the dentist for treatment. Being able to go to sleep during dental treatment encourages those to seek the necessary treatment they may otherwise have avoided.

How Will I Feel After Visiting a Sedation Dentist?

The after-effects of the medication will vary depending on the type of sedation your dentist chooses. You should have a friend or family member drive you home and stay with you until you’re settled. You should rest until the medication has left your system. Many people will sleep a lot at this time after the appointment, so we don’t recommend booking anything else in for the day. Potential side effects of sedation medicine are mild and include a headache, bruising where the IV was placed, and nausea. Most people won’t experience any of these and even if you do you should be back to normal after a short rest period.

If you are having sedation as you are nervous, then the recovery period will likely be much easier than the stressful state a dentist appointment normally puts you in. Your anaesthetist will advise on your specific post-sedation guidelines but typically you should avoid driving and going to work or school for a day. After this, the drugs will have fully left your system and you can carry on your normal day-to-day life. Your dentist will provide painkillers for the period after the sedation wears off if required.

I Don’t Want to Sleep During My Dental Treatment

The level of sedation your dentist can offer will vary depending on your requirements. Whilst I/V sedation is the deepest level of sedation, you can also have oral sedation. At Goldfields Family Dental our experienced dentists administer your oral sedation, one hour before your dental procedure. You will feel quite groggy and may even fall asleep, but you will still be able to communicate if necessary and can be easily woken with a nudge. For this type of sleep dentistry, you will be required to have an escort to help you go to and from the clinic.

We also have an inhalation device that will provide immediate relief from pain and anxiety should you need it during your treatment.

Does Sleep Dentistry Include General Anaesthetic?

Should you need a lengthy procedure that requires a general anaesthetic this can be arranged during your consultation at Goldfields Family Dental. General anaesthetic procedures are performed at Kalgoorlie Regional Hospital where they have the latest specialized dental equipment and materials, and dental treatment will be provided by one of our own accredited dentists. This is usually a day-only procedure with most patients being discharged within 2 hours of treatment.

Whatever level of dentist sedation you require, our experienced and competent staff can give you all the advice you need on what to expect during your procedure and any aftercare that is required. Not all dental practices have the facilities or expertise to offer sleep dentistry at their clinics, but our modern facility is a state-of-the-art dental practice, and our highly trained and qualified staff are all experts in their field, offering you the best dental treatment available, including after-hour dental emergency service, if required. We are open 7 days a week so call us today to find out how we can help you with all your dental needs. Read Less

Dr Carolyn Garduno MD FANZCA


Dr. Carolyn Garduno is an American born and trained medical doctor who is a specialist in Anaesthesia and a subspecialist in Cardiothoracic Anaesthesia. She graduated from Georgetown University School of Medicine in Washington DC in 1993. She went on to complete one year of training as an Intern in Internal Medicine and 3 years training in Anaesthesia at The George Washington University School of Medicine, where she obtained her Attendingship in 1997. She worked as an Adjunct Professor at the The George Washington University for a year after which she returned to fellowship training for a subspecialty in Cardiothoracic Anaesthesia at Duke University in North Carolina in 1999.

Carolyn worked in the private sector in several hospitals in the United States gaining extensive experience with transplant anaesthesia, Cardiac anaesthesia, trauma anaesthesia, Obstetric anaesthesia and before she moved to Australia she worked for one of the premier anaesthesia groups serving the East Bay of the San Francisco Bay area at the Level II trauma center, John Muir Medical Center.

Carolyn moved to Australia with her Australian husband in 2019 so that he could pursue his work as
an infrastructure driller. Carolyn completed a year of peer reviewed anaesthesia work as a Senior

Registrar at Joondalup Health Campus in 2021, at the end of which she was granted her Fellowship
with the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthesia.

Carolyn has also obtained training in aesthetic medicine and is a small business owner, opening Ellysium Aesthetics Pty Ltd in 2023, providing skin care during her spare time from anaesthetics. In her spare time Carolyn enjoys bicycling with her son along the beach trails, sewing, knitting and crafts.

Professor Luke Torre

Anaesthetist and Intensive Care Specialist

Professor Luke Torre is a Western Australian born and trained medical specialist in the fields of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care. He graduated in Medicine at the University of Western Australia with honors in 1999 and has provided over 20 years of medical service, working locally, interstate and overseas during his career.

He gained a Specialist qualification in Anaesthesia in 2008 from the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists, winning the prize for the highest score in the Primary Examination.

He then went on to do further Specialist training in Intensive Care, graduating in 2009 as a Fellow of the College of Intensive Care Medicine.

Luke has provided the very highest level of service in these two fields for over 10 years. He has a wealth of clinical experience and has managed some of the most challenging and critically ill patients in the state of Western Australia, saving countless lives during that time in his role as Intensive Care Specialist at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital and Anaesthetist at Joondalup Health Campus

Luke has special interests in Difficult Airway Management, Resuscitation and Ventilation and has spoken at local, National and International Conferences. He is published in the fields of both Anaesthesia and Intensive Care in Medical Journals and Medical Textbooks.

Luke is an Professor of Critical Care Medicine at Notre Dame University Fremantle where he has taught for over 10 years at the School of Medicine. He has a love of teaching and is educating the next generation of Australian doctors

In his “spare time”, Luke is devoted to his wife and 5 children and has a love of Australian Rules Football where he barracks for the West Coast Eagles.

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