Children’s Dentistry

Your Local Paediatric Dentist in Kalgoorlie

Dentistry for children can be a daunting thought, but with the advances that have been made in recent years, it doesn’t have to be like that for kids or their parents. What the world needs to bear in mind, though, is that children are different from adults. Their bodies are constantly developing, and certain aspects are not yet fully formed. That is why there are paediatricians in the medical world, and why should it be any different in dentistry? At Goldfields Family Dental, we have the knowledge and skills of paediatric dentists to make sure the younger members of the family are well looked after.

Our caring and compassionate dental team enjoys seeing children of all ages, making it convenient for your family to receive quality care in one location.

Alex and the team have a reputation for creating an upbeat, positive environment for our paediatric patients. It’s not just our mission to help your child enjoy healthy teeth; we want them to look forward to each visit with us.

We have a dedicated waiting area for children where they can also play while their siblings and parents have dental treatment. All of our treatment room have televisions on the ceiling and the children can choose a show of their liking.

Children’s mouths grow and develop at a rapid pace. By incorporating early education and establishing healthy habits at a young age, we can help your child avoid common problems like tooth decay and gum disease.

The Revolution in Children’s Dental Health

Parents and particularly grandparents are often amazed at how healthy kids’ teeth are these days, and there are several reasons for that, from the use of fluoride in water and dental products to better eating habits and education on taking care of teeth and gums. We believe prevention is better than cure that is why we run free toothbrushing sessions for children who have a six-monthly dental checkup and clean. In these sessions, we apply a solution to the children’s teeth to show them the amount of matter that can remain on the teeth if they are not cleaned properly. Read More

We then teach kids correct brushing techniques to reach the places that a quick once-over doesn’t cover. Having explained the importance of this – in a serious but fun way – we give them a pack of goodies to take home, including a brush, toothpaste, and floss. In fact, parents can learn a thing or two from the children who have absorbed our children’s dental health guidance.

How is a Kids Dentist Different to an Adult Dentist?

If you see one of our oral health therapists who is skilled in child dentistry, you’re getting someone who’s gone the extra mile in their training specially treating children. Of course, we all know that the big difference between children and adults is that children have ‘baby teeth’. These teeth are typically softer with a thinner enamel layer so must be treated differently than permanent adult teeth in dentistry. The growth of your child’s permanent teeth must be considered and monitored too to ensure the mouth won’t be overcrowded. A child dentist also tends to have learnt some psychology to help understand children’s behaviour and how best to quell fears. Choosing a dentist like ours who has measures in place to make your child’s visit fun and calm can help prevent them from developing a fear of dentists as they age. This will keep them attending routine appointments once they’re adults, keeping on top of their teeth health.

The focus of a kids dentist also tends to be prevention, recommending treatments to help stop cavities from forming and teaching correct techniques to set your child up for the best possible oral health for life. Once you switch to adult dentistry, while preventative techniques will still be used the focus tends to be on maintenance such as cleaning and filling cavities.

When Will My Child Switch to Adult Dentistry?

Good question. Typically, your child will stop seeing a kids/paediatric dentist once all their adult teeth are through. This varies but tends to happen by the time they’re 12 and we can be flexible for nervous children. Our oral health therapists and dentists are used to seeing children of all ages and know how to make the transition smooth so they’re still happy to come to our office for their regular appointments even once the ceiling television has gone.

Why Dentistry for Children Should Be Fun

Children get enough lecturing in their lives, so to get our messages about keeping their mouths, gums and teeth healthy across to them, we try to make it fun. We start by creating a happy, relaxed atmosphere. The key to lifelong healthy teeth and gums is learning good habits early on and continuing them into adulthood.

We also provide a special waiting room at our dental clinic where children can play while their parents are having treatment, and when it’s their turn in the chair, we have televisions on the ceiling, and they can choose what to watch.

The Importance of Paediatric Dentist

Because children’s mouths are still developing, just like the rest of their bodies, treatment for youngsters is rather different from how dentists go about it for adults. It should be, anyway, and if you want to get the benefit of a real specialist in this area, a true paediatric dentist, you are not going to find one at any old dental practice. At Goldfields Family Dental we have this dedicated expertise, and it is one of the things that makes us the best all-round choice for your family. Even if you require after-hours dentist service, we are here for you.

Booking an Appointment with a Kids’ Dentist

You can call us or send us an email and we’ll get back to you. We also have an online contact form. Whichever way you choose to do it, you can get your child off to a flying start with us, taking the drama out of a visit to a kids’ dentist where they will learn the good habits that will stand them in good stead for their whole life. Read Less

Special Offer – Child Dental Benefits Schedule

The Child Dental Benefit Schedule provides eligible children with access to a benefit of $1000 for eligible dental services over a 2 calendar year period. The CDBS provides individuals benefits for a range of services including examinations, x-rays, cleaning, fluoride treatment, fissure sealing, fillings, root canals, stainless steel crowns and extractions.

Benefits cannot be paid for any services provided in a hospital setting, however ask us about our IV sedation for those nervous patients.

Families generally recieving the Family Tax Benefit Part A or a relevant Australian Government payment may be entitled to the CDBS. SMPBulk Billing is in accordance with eligibility and terms and conditions. CALL US NOW

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