A healthy and bright smile doesn’t just indicate good oral health but it also boosts your child’s confidence. Even for children or especially for children, regular dental cleanings lay the foundation for healthy teeth, gums, mouth, and overall oral health. We at Goldfield’s Family Dental Cleaning understand how regular proper scale and clean sessions can do wonders for your child’s oral health and hygiene.
Let’s start by understanding what scaling is. It is a professional dental cleanup technique that allows you to get rid of tartar, plaque, and bacteria from the mouth. Plaque which is a sticky substance made of food particles and bacteria found sticking to the teeth surfaces can turn into tartar and eventually cause cavities if not cleaned on time. Once the tartar is there, even regular brushing twice a day cannot get it out, hence, the only way out is expert scale and clean sessions.
Well, you cannot expect children to be so mindful in maintaining their oral health as adults, and hence scaling can help by –
Some manual scaling tools are used generally for removing plaque and tartar from every single tooth and the nooks and corners of the mouth, offering precise cleaning of the mouth and around the gum line.
The mechanism that works for these instruments is high-frequency vibrations, These are used to break down the chunks of tartar and eventually disintegrate them. Along with the scaling, there is a water spray that goes around to wash away the dirt and ensure complete mouth cleanup.
Air and water with high pressure and some fine powder combined are used here for effective oral cleanup and teeth polishing. Not only does this system allow plaque removal but also helps get rid of stubborn teeth stains
Our Dentists at Goldfields Family Dental Clinic make sure to make your child’s scaling experience a comfortable and gentle one.
Being professionals for years, we recommended getting scaling procedures done bi-annually for your child starting from age 3. The sooner you start, the lesser risks of gum issues or cavities.
Ready to make the appointment for your child’s smile at Goldfields? We are certainly ready to take care of them!
Got questions about our dental services? We’re here to help! Contact us to learn more, book an appointment, or discuss how we can support your dental care needs. Let’s brighten your smile together!
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